Lockdown Tips: Border Isolation

Eighty-one million New Zealand dollars is what the government will have spent on border isolation by the end of June and for what? It's been described as “more like incubation, not quarantine” Social distancing protocols are being ignored, Adults are mingling, children are running a riot in hallways and some nurses are leaving the hotels in tears. Kiwis, who are almost the only people allowed into the country, are not being charged currently for their stays in the hotels or the food and drink provided.

To date, the Queensland Government has forked out more than $19 million for people to be quarantined in hotels. That figure is projected to surpass $24 million by 30 June. 

“The fees are proposed to reduce the financial burden of COVID-19 prevention measures on taxpayers,” the state government’s website reads. From July, individual travellers will have to fork out around $2,800 while pairs will need to pay $3,700 for the 14-day stay. Queensland will become the first Australian state to charge international arrivals for their mandatory coronavirus hotel quarantine.
14 Days is a long time to spend in a hotel room on quarantine so make sure you have your devices ready for a Netflix binge! Head over to our online store to grab an antibacterial screen protector to keep those devices quarantine-safe!

AntibacterialLockdown tips