How tempered glass and premium film works

The glass on your devices have gotten a lot more scratch resistance since the days of the iPod but we still throw our devices into our pockets and bags that contain keys and coins which will cause little scratches to appear over time. This is where we take a look at how these screen protectors work.  

The tempered glass screen protector market is overwhelming but how does it work? Tempered glass is a piece of rigid compressed glass that applies to the front of your device protecting the main display. They are durable but can cause damage to some devices when removed.  

The film screen protectors are produced from PET. They provide a cost-effective solution for all-around protection. The film is applied to your device through pressure-sensitive adhesive which means it is both easy to apply and remove if needed. The premium film screen protectors will add that extra layer of protection between all those things in your pockets and bags that would otherwise scratch the device's screen!  

I would check out the range of premium film screen protectors here.  

Film screen protector